CAD & 3D Printing Course | Siyalive CSC Kunnamkulam
CAD & 3D Printing Course
Acquire basic skills in CAD and 3D Printing
Have CSC Academy brings first time an integrated online skill course on Computer-Aided Design and 3D printing in collaboration with Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®️, University of France. The programme offers basic skill training on Computer-Aided Design and 3D Printing technology.
The demand for design, 3D printing and additive manufacturing is about to flourish Indian market. 3D printing has the potential to grow by creating design-tech jobs and start-ups across the country in the fields such as modelling, architecture, education etc.
Course Fee : Rs. 2183/- INR
After completion of the online course, CSC Academy and Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®️, University certificate will be awarded to participants followed by an online assessment.
Course Duration
30 Hours of online Training and Assessment.
20 Days, 5 Days a week (1.5 Hours per day)
Course content is provided Online after the successful payment.
For Online Student Registration: Click here
Note: After Online Student Registration Please Whatsapp Student Name & Mobile Number to 9447312828
After completion of the online course, CSC Academy and Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®️, University certificate will be awarded to participants followed by an online assessment.
About Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®️ University
Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon®️ University a not for profit, private institution of higher education in France. University is responsible to grant regular degrees on work experience or a combination of previous studies and life experience. In France, Work Experience Degree has been awarded under the VAE programme (Validation des Acquis de l'experience) art L-613-3 of the Code of Education since 2002 as per the mandate. 3 years of validated work experience may be judge equal to one year of regular studies. Degrees through VAE Bachelor has been provided for following programmes (UNESCO ISCED level 6) MBA, M.Sc, M.A., LLM (UNESCO ISCED level 7) EDBA (UNESCO ISCED level 8) Ph.D. (UNESCO ISCED level 8) Field of Studies Arts, Science, Business, Health, Education, Religion, Military, etc. IIPPT Foundation is an Indian partner which is a society working in the area of Education and Skill Development.